Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Wealth Creation –Rule 13 (Envisage the Future)

Wealth Creation –Rule 13 (Envisage the Future)
  If you must create wealth then you should envisage the future. Consider and pay special attention to what t wealth you want to create in the future. Any man who lives only for today without  clear  visions and dreams for tomorrow and
beyond can never have a future for the wealth he wants to create. We have heard cases of people who just start a business because people are into such businesses. Just as goals can be long term, middle term and short term (based on timing) so also is investment. The futures always hold something better only if you can effectively and judiciously make use of what you have presently and as time goes by, you plan for the future how you can expand your business or develop your ideas. The beginning sometimes may be rough and tough but when you have a clear vision of the prospects then you will be amazed at the pace at which you create wealth. 

The future belongs to those who believe in the future and not those who are complacent. Think outside the box and expand your horizon. As at when Lot and Abraham where in the field (in the scriptures)Abraham allowed Lot to choose. Lot  chose based on the present and his senses. But Abraham say beyond the present and he became successful. Don’t limit your idea of business plans to only the present, see beyond the cloud and break out from the circle of financial limitation.

Food for Thought:"You are what you see yourself today but you are what you make yourself tomorrow and beyond".

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