Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Wealth creation – Rule 5 (Be a Problem Solver)

Wealth creation – Rule 5 (Be a Problem Solver)
If  you must create wealth then you should be a problem solver.
The economist asserts that human needs are insatiable(unsatisfiable) despite the fact that the resources are limited in supply. A person that wants to create wealth should be able to identify the problem in his environment (i.e identification
of problems) and devise strategies and means to solve those problem sor meet such needs. Any problem you are able to solve has the power to unleash your wealth, if properly defined before it is solved. A great leader once said you should rather think of what you can do for your country and not what your country can do for you. 

Some countries are backward today not because they lack resources but because they lack ideas. And even if they have ideas they have bad policies that don’t favour the development of their economies. In solving a need it is indisputable that sacrifices are to be made and prices are to be paid. Take a look at your environment: what do you think you need that is not available ?If you try to make such things available in as little as you start, you will be amazed at the rate and possibility at which  you will  jump-start yourself  into wealth creation. Gone are those days when people study to be employees. Why don’t your try to be an employer rather than an employee. 

Solving problems breaks you from the shackles of being a perpetual employee. If you must work let it be  for the purpose of raising capital if there is no other alternative. After you have raised some money try to identify problems you can solve. Then start solving them by starting small. For instance, have you ever seen or heard that the wealthy people on Forbes list  are employees? No, they are employers of labour. They identified problems and solve them and because they are problem solvers, affluence and wealth smiled on them thus making them famous. If they can do it, then you(I am not exempted) can do it too- that is the optimistic spirit,activate it and activate your wealth mechanism.

Food for thought: “While settle for less when you can be best among the rests”.

Now that you know that being a problem solver is one of the rules of creating wealth, do you agree or not? Leave your comments below.

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