Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Wealth Creation – Rule 7 (Avoid Unnecessary Competition and Impression)

Wealth Creation – Rule 7 (Avoid Unnecessary Competition and  Impression)
If you must create wealth then you should avoid unnecessary competition and impression.
Competition is a situation in which people or organizations try to be more successful or better than others. Competition can be helpful sometimes but when you are incapable of doing it the healthy way then be sure to hit a rock. Never try to
impress anyone. Always be yourself. Judiciously  manage the little resources at your disposal. Some people in a bid to impress has gotten themselves and businesses compressed. It is not strange today in higher institutions of  learning  where students who are from poor family in a bid to impress others engage themselves in social vices just to meet up with their mates. Competition sometimes can bring out the best in you as well as bring out the worst in you. Never try to impress people. This is not to say you should be left out. Moderation in all things is the best. Mediocrity is not an alternative for moderation. A person who truly wants to create wealth must avoid unnecessary competition. An effective management of the resources at your disposal can be a spring board on which your wealth is created.

Some students  who are from poor families back at home live in mansions and luxuries at school. I am  not saying this is bad but the truth must be said that their competition has led so many of them into  armed robbery, fraudery, prostitution, e.t.c .Of what use  trying to impress people when you don’t have the means.
Some businesses are bankrupt today due to competition. This is because some of  them in a bid to be like others has made them to source for loans they were unable to pay back. 
In a nutshell, if you must create wealth as an individual or an organization then avoid unnecessary competition and impression.
Food for Thought:Be contented with what you have but avoid  complacency and mediocrity”. 

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