Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Concept of Wealth Creation

 Concept of Wealth Creation

Before we continue with the concept of wealth creation let us know what wealth means. The Oxford dictionary defines wealth as a large amount of money, property, e.t.c that a person own or possess.
Also it is the state of being rich. For this purpose therefore a person who has wealth can be said to be wealthy. Although some people believe that there is a clear distinction between wealth and riches. This is because some proposed that all wealthy people are rich but not all rich people are wealthy. This to some extent is right since someone who is poor today can be rich tomorrow while for such a person to be wealthy it might require a longer time frame.

Wealth takes time to materialize and it is usually linked to assets (property). In otherwords, riches may be in monetary value but wealth may connote money, property and other valuables.

Wealth creation starts with a strong value. Values on the other hand are not spontaneously created. Values grow with time and time they say is money.Life has taught me that if you can manage time then you can manage life and the numerous resources that life presents. Depending on who you believe, without proper management of time you can not create wealth. There are instances in life when some people just believe that because they are not born with silver spoons and so they can not create wealth or become wealthy. What or who you believe in have the power to make you or unmake you. Wealth creation is not something that is instantaneous but it has to be gradual. Gradual here means it must come with desire, goals and strategic plans. To buttress this, great men who has won great wars made necessary preparations that gave them the victory on which they become famous. Every plan must go with a vision. Agriculturists believe that not all plants grow and produce fruits at the same time hence they classify them (based on time duration) into annuals (those that grow and  produce within one year), biennials (those that grow and produce once in two years) and perennials (those that grow and produce above two years).

Having said this for one to create wealth there is need for strategic planning by first knowing the concepts and  principles of wealth creation. Once the concepts and principles has been identified there is need to apply them. Because  without applying them, wealth will never manifest. That is why even the Bible says “faith without work is dead” and also “you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”. The “free” I am advocating for here contextually is finanacial freedom i.e having money to meet and satisfy your basic needs.Let me use   this opportunity  to say that your mindset towards wealth creation has a role to play i.e if you have the wrong mindset wealth will delude you.

Summarily, the concept of wealth creation boils down to having the right information, being optimistic ( positive mindset), desire, self-esteem, confidence, favour, labour, to mention but a few. 

Food for thought: “Wealth creation is made possible by labour, favour or both”

Now to you what is the concept of wealth creation? Leave your comments below.

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